Tools and Automation – Part I

Part I Utilized tools
    Tools and automation are created for purposes: Productivity and Working-Communication. Not only for Development, Tools and Automation also help organization to Manage, Plan and Schedule your working progress. Then we will discuss about tools that fit for our purpose. There are 3 main purposes that we need to care about: Product Development, Business Development, Technical Development. As a part of the system: transparency and delegate able, we need to separate work and jobs into multiple levels, that lead to multiple tools and automation. One above all, is productivity and quality.
    And we keep in mind, every Department have their own business and specialist that they need to care about. How to deal with that, let see.
  1. Product Development: With each Product like RingMD or IRIS, there is a circle called Product Development, continuously, loop after loop, feature after feature, it is called Sprint.
    • Job Specifications: That is the group of people who are working together for one purpose: Making real product from ideas.
    • What PD care about: Idea -> Feature, new Idea -> new Feature. Deadline, Quality match, Progress of implementing.
    • What PD don’t care about: How to do it by technical, Step by Step to implement it, To make this feature what we need to do.
  2. Business Development
    • Job Specifications: Take care of organization strategies, by adding product to the platform/ organization, like RMD has RingMD, IRIS, Eyecare. But for some reason, BD people also need to have right to access to another teams’s progress, as one of a part of the System : Transparency and Delegate able.
  3. Technical Development
    • Job Specifications: With a team that build a product for Company, nothing is more matter than the quality and team culture.
    • Quality:
      • Code quality: To get higher quality of code, we can focus on 3 points: Clean, Short, Easy to Read, Effective, and Deprecated detectable, also with the Alternative Solutions.
      • By leaving discussion on Github in each Issue, it allows Teammates to have a crystal idea what are you thinking before end up with the solution. Might be they have a better? Or your code had some issue? In a indirect way, it created a transparency culture which allows your team mate have a change to speak up.
    Product Development means, not only delivery but also, improvement time by time, By adding Github issue, you inform your teammate about your idea the improvement.
    We delivery quality commits, a group of quality commits make a quality feature/release.
    Quality commit is not just only your solution, but also with what were you thinking while you’re doing that, it help everyone to investigate later if bugs appear or integrations conflicted.
    Room for Development: Technologies change day by day, there always be a new, better, more effective solutions for solving the current one. By adding new issues, the technical team open a discussion on what we are gonna do for the better product. Since Github issues is a part of GitHub repository, it allow everyone in the tech team has a quick, clear view of what we are discussing about.
    You learn from yourself in the past to become a better you today, by adding your log, conversions, you allow your teammate to avoid the same mistakes that you already learnt from.
    After years, context changes, context mean the People, Technologies, OSs, Gorverment laws, everything. While you reading the log in different context, you might get it wrong, either your teammates.
   In a product company, team changes in horizontal scale, people come and go, qualification is different, by let issue has been log as an open channel that allows later people to understand your considering while making implementation, that could lead to a better solution later.
– What is going on on your mind like a dream, by writing them out we are shaping out our dream to physical shape which is lot clearer, we will see the edge cases which is a real version of what you are imaging.
– By Practicing, improving skill of using tools, it would help us saving time for fixing bugs and updating missing requirement.
(to be continue…)

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