I have been here in Singapore for few months. Well, not too much but enough for me to realize that the most important tool for me here is LANGUAGES. I mean languages, not English because that we have some different colleagues who come from different countries. At first couple days, It was very hard to understand what people said. The voice likes a bit Chinese, a bit English and a bit India. I was stuck, yes, really stuck at that time. But, in difficulties I learned a lot.

The first lesson is stop SPEAKING, let do COMMUNICATE with each others. I am sure with that choice and its effect on my LANGUAGE. By communication, we could understand each others easier than speak, a lot. So, what does ‘Communication’ mean ? It’s a very large definition but I would like to tell you as simple as I do.

Communication is an art, you should understand it not only in speaking but also in another acts. Such as, listening. So, listening is a part of communication ? Yes, it is. For more, we have sharing, help, asking, leading and caring ,etc. They help us to live closer, yes, closer on LANGUAGES. It will be easier to understand than any lessons you could learn from a language school. You see, my English is very bad but you could understand me b’cus I am sharing with you, so, that’s ok. No matter what is going wrong with grammar and spelling.

So, that’s my first lesson, stop speaking, try to communicate :).


Good night!

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