
“Một người được ngắm một bông hoa đang nở, hẳn anh là người rất may mắn

Nếu có một người vẫn nhìn ngắm khi hoa đã tàn, chỉ còn thân xù xì và trơ trọi lá xanh, hẳn anh là người nhân ái và vị tha

Còn một người chăm bón cho hoa để từ thân tàn nở ra những bông hoa khác, chắn chắn anh là một người tuyệt vời.”… continue

Learning Apollo

Thanks for starring the Apollo Project on GitHub! Here are some resources to help get you started using Apollo. 
  • Learn about Apollo by reading our docs.
  • Get help from the Apollo community by joining our Slack.
  • Stay updated on Apollo and GraphQL news on our Medium and Twitter.
  • Open issues on individual GitHub repos to report bugs or feature requests.
As open source fanatics, nothing gets us more excited than when users want to get actively involved in the project. If you’re keen to help us build Apollo, get started by checking out ourContributing Guide.

The very first days working on Backend

I never thought I will program backend code before. But, honestly, today I’ve been coding the real backend logic, by using the fresh languages and concepts- with me. It’s really awesome so far after I finished the tutorial.


There’re so many diff between coding on Mobile and Server, especially on what I am doing. Defined concepts with Context, data being transferred and stored, loading components. But, the most interesting stuff while coding Backend is I completely focused in logic. That’s a huge effort that you might not need to be broke up by implementing UI code, very boring to correct … continue

Dreams or Pains

“Dream is not what you see while sleeping it is something that doesn’t let you sleep” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Azad

If you are truly passionate about something, you can’t let a single day go without thinking about it and being eager to work on it as soon as possible. That’s what a real dream is where you fully occupied and live on that idea.… continue

3 Good 3 Thanks

Everyday at night, I sit down and summary my day. Becu’z so busy I am, night is the best time to do it, in silence and darkness, eyes are closed, mind is opened, heart is free.

Firstly think about family. I leave them to live alone, that make me always worry about everyone. Wishing them always be healthy and positive.

Then think the bad. Do you have bad habits ? I do. Sometimes, I drink coffee too much, sometimes I drive to far, sometimes I forgot to eat, sometimes I did’t call to her for days… So many. … continue

Swift, keep learning and being up-todated

After so many years Objective-C + Xcode IDE lead the world of iOS/MacOS development. Fall 2014, Swift was introduced and the stories began. Everybody at the time was very confused and had the same questions, Why ?. Switching from a very familiar language to another one with new Coding Syntax, Compiler, Special Hidden Rules, always be the pain of everyone. But Apple define the rules, we follow or to be passed over.

Fortunately, Apple never let you walk alone. They collaborated with regarding firm to make the best branch with separately Road map along side with continuously support the old … continue

Storyboard Policy

1. No storyboard represents the entire flow through the app.

2. Each storyboard represents a single screen in the app, a View Controller if you will.

3. Whenever you intend to reuse a view, go ahead and make a custom UIView subclass with its own nib file for it.

4. Take a walk and enjoy the extra 5 hours of your life you got back because you’re no longer fixing merge conflicts in the same goddamn monolithic XML file.

Medium… continue

Event-driven Programming

In event-drivent programming, the flow of a program is determined by events triggered through a defined interaction (e.g., user interaction, exceeding threshold limit, etc. ).
Usually, a main loop listens for events, and then triggers a callback function when an event is detected.

Overall, Legato components are written using an event-driven model. Callback functions
are attached to specific events, and when events occur, the thread’s event loop triggers the
appropriate callbacks. Legato components can also start other threads that run their own Legato event loops.

Every component implements an initialization function called at process start-up by the
main thread. … continue

How to get smarter ? It’s time to train up your reading skills. Singapore Government Answered

30 Oct 2016 | By Gov.sg News Team

Everyone has that single sesquipedalian acquaintance who prefer to pontificate at great length over the day’s news. This usually happens when the rest of your friends would rather be talking about football.

Often, the best way to wrestle the conversation back is to out-verbose this friend. Here’s how you do it:

1. Read more!

The more you read, the more words you know. And you could start using your new vocabularied arsenal to out-verbose that sesquipedalian friend of yours.

Set aside time each day to read. It doesn’t matter when – continue

10 Biggest Challenges Faced by Mobile App Developers

If you are planning to develop an app, your focus should be more on ‘what not to do’ than on ‘what to do’. There are several challenges faced by developers every time they start working on a new mobile app.

In this post, we highlight the 10 biggest challenges and how you can overcome them.

1. Creating Apps which Get Noticed: There’s immense competition in the mobile app market and honestly, it’s very crowded. Thus, there’s a constant pressure to create apps which get noticed. After all, you don’t want to get lost.

Solution: Create an app which … continue