Tools and Automation – Part I

Part I Utilized tools
    Tools and automation are created for purposes: Productivity and Working-Communication. Not only for Development, Tools and Automation also help organization to Manage, Plan and Schedule your working progress. Then we will discuss about tools that fit for our purpose. There are 3 main purposes that we need to care about: Product Development, Business Development, Technical Development. As a part of the system: transparency and delegate able, we need to separate work and jobs into multiple levels, that lead to multiple tools and automation. One above all, is productivity and quality.
    And we keep in mind, every

Killing the monsters (Part III) – Engineering tips

PART II: Killing the monster

  • Automate installation/provisioning of the environments needed for development, quality assurance, staging, and production. Keep the environment as much close to each other as you can – same versions of OS, databases, library. You should be able to access them fast: keep them provisioned and pay for that or make the provisioning fast. Manual instructions should die, and manual changes should never be applied. Remove humans from the deployment process. Maximum involvement should be clicking the Deploy Now button. Set up of development environment for new teammates should be done within a day or so.
  • Setup

BigO in business model

If every time we add a new release (An) with n is the number of new features, we call m is the number of features which were already there in the app. The cost for implementing n(A) (n features for A) into original Product (with m features implemented),
The worst case would be up to O(n*m)
And It is a timing boom strategy.

Original photo:
Modified: me.


Ngày cuối rồi em xin lại được không anh
Tất cả yêu thương ngày đầu… anh cho em xin lại
Những ngày anh đong đưa, những ngày em ngây dại
Để đến hôm nay em lượm lặt từng giờ

Em xin lại những ngày còn ngây thơ
Chẳng đợi anh đến…
…chẳng tiễn anh đi…
chẳng đợi chờ dù là trong giấc ngủ

Để hôm nay em không bao giờ thấy đủ
Tháng tháng năm năm…

lạc mất anh rồi.

…nước mắt tràn mi…

Anh tiếc gì, trao lại cho em đi
cả thanh xuân, cả những lần em từ … continue


April 2011, while I was working on a Music Social Network for Blackberry which called Mobion Music.

Once, my Senior Product Owner, Sikisima-sama asked me: “Nam, I need the roadmap for Mobion Music for next 6 months”. That is the very early state of my carrer, I had never heard about a Roadmap before. So the first question appeared in my mind, “What is a Roadmap, how I can make a Roadmap for Mobion Music?”. That seemed like not belong to my specialty. But, anyway, I got started to fingure out.

First of all, I was asking around my senior continue


Đêm tĩnh mịch rèm thưa đã mờ mờ sáng

Phất tay áo lên điệu múa trong mộng bỗng thật bồi hồi
Lòng dần dâng trào nỗi niềm tương tư
Nàng quyến luyến, rơi lệ hoa lê
Lặng yên họa bức hồng nhan đợi ai quay về
Trống vắng, người ấy cứ dần dần mà hao gầy…


镌刻好 每道眉间心上
沾染了 墨色淌
千家文 都泛黄
夜静谧 窗纱微微亮

她眷恋 梨花泪

啊 胭脂香味
卷珠帘 是为谁
啊 不见高轩
夜月明 此时难为情

听微风 耳畔响
谁在烟云处琴声长… continue